Security Engineering

To cultivate a strong cybersecurity posture, organizations cannot treat security like an afterthought: rather, in today's perilous IT landscape, cyber actors are creative, opportunistic and determined: they seek out gaps in your organization's external networks which they can use as an entry point and move laterally through your internal systems, seeking valuable data to steal.

Fighting back against today's cyber actors requires more than basic scanning or tests - organizations must be able to think like the enemy, conducting penetration tests that mimic the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) of cyber actors. Unfortunately, internal IT teams often lack the resources and expertise to conduct thorough penetration tests.

Fortunately, DataLock provides the experience you need to secure your internal and external systems from advanced cyber actors. Our talented team of cyber experts and pen testers seek out vulnerabilities, and test how easily they can be exploited, fixing your blind spots and providing direction for long-term remediation.

Penetration Testing Facts

  • The global cost of cybercrime will increase in 2023 to $8 trillion dollars
  • 93% of companies can be compromised through flaws in their network perimeter
  • 1 in 5 companies do not test their software for security vulnerabilities.

Penetration Testing Services

  • External Penetration Testing - conduct a penetration test against your network perimeter - including routers, VPNs and firewalls - searching for paths that cyber actors can use to penetrate your organization from the outside.
  • Internal Penetration Testing - conduct a penetration test against your internal systems to find exploitable vulnerabilities, assessing internal security controls, firewalls, and access management for methods that could enable a determined threat actor to move laterally through your IT infrastructure.
  • Wireless Network Penetration Testing - simulate an attack on wireless networks to identify vulnerabilities like weak encryption, lack of authentication and rogue access points; identify potential risks, such as de-authentication attacks, session reuse and unauthorized devices.
  • Comprehensive Documentation - collect and document all findings for decision makers and stakeholders, with proof of concept demonstrating that vulnerabilities are not only present but exploitable.
  • Remediation Plan - provide recommendations for eliminating vulnerabilities discovered across internal systems and network-facing devices, with enough context to help cyber defenders understand the source of the problem and protect your organization for the long term.

Penetration Testing Benefits

  • Increase Visibility - know the security gaps in your network perimeter and internal IT infrastructure. Gain insights to help your internal IT team identify blind spots and better protect your systems from cyber actors.
  • Reduce Attack Surface - eliminate vulnerabilities arising from misconfigurations, legacy IT systems, zero days, and more. Reduce the opportunity for attackers to find and exploit holes, leading to lower risk of data breaches, ransomware and other cyberattacks.
  • Business Continuity - with businesses depending on IT to drive mission critical operations, reducing the chance of cyberattack decreases the chance of unexpected downtime. Provide consistent service to your customers and maintain operations in the face of cyber threats.
  • Improve Compliance - regular penetration tests are required under many industry and government cyber regulations, including ISO 27001, NIST 800-53 and PCI-DSS. Meet your compliance requirements with minimal hassle and provide reassurance to stakeholders.
  • Reduce Costs - with the average cost of a cyberattack approaching $10 million, finding and eliminating vulnerabilities from your infrastructure can reduce devastating costs from remediation activities, ransom payouts and costly fines. It also reduces the chance of negative publicity leading to revenue loss.